Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have had many musings in my life and, as those who know me best might suggest, almost as many muses too.

Clarification through definition:

Muse v
1. to think about something in a deep and serious or dreamy and abstracted way
2. to say something in a thoughtful or questioning way (literary)
3. to gaze at somebody or something thoughtfully or abstractedly (literary)

Muse n
1. somebody who is a source of inspiration for an artist, especially a poet
2. the inspiration that supposedly visits, leaves, and suggests things to an artist, especially a poet
3. the particular gift or talent of an artist, especially a poet


Muse n
a state of deep thought (literary)

Muse n
in Greek mythology, one of the nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, goddess of memory. The Muses inspired and presided over the different creative arts.

I’m really very excited at the moment about this blog, the conversations that are being sparked into (sometimes fiery) existence and the ideas that percolate in my mind when I hear and read what other people have to say. I’m learning a lot about the issues in which I choose to discuss here and, perhaps more importantly, about the way my mind works and what I believe I believe. For example, for years I have ignored the fact that I am extremely sensitive to criticism. Not only have I ignored this fact; I have lied to myself about it. I convinced myself that sensitivity to criticism was one imperfection I did not have. But I do. But I think I can embrace that part of me as I can my greatest strengths, learn from it and become a better person because of it. Because it is something that I can easily improve upon as long as I recognize it and am brave enough to challenge it.

I believe that it is a great characteristic/ability to be able to formulate an opinion and support that opinion with great abandon (and sometimes stubborn resolve) and yet be open and able to reconstruct that opinion without feeling that you are weak or losing something because of it. This is my excuse for having one of my blogs call for a boycott of marriage until gay marriage is legal while another says that maybe we should leave gay marriage up to each unique state. In retrospect, these are probably both ridiculous notions, but I’m glad I suggested them and equally glad I can question them now.

But the truth is, I wonder if I don’t seek two opposing desires. One, to be steadfast in my opinions at all times and all costs. Two, to be completely open to new ideas and have the humility to admit when I am wrong. I guess I’m looking for an appropriate balance or at least the ability to apply that balance at the appropriate time.

Well, I’m not going to do either of those right now. Instead, I’m just going to say how great it is having an outlet for my ideas and my writing. I write because I need to write in order to understand. I think there may be a misconception about writers. People think that they write about what they already understand. But I think we write about what we know and that’s not the same thing. I could never sift through all of the crazy thoughts inside my head without a way to separate them. This may be specific to me, but somehow I think that real writers write because they have to. Maybe the ‘have to’ isn’t for understanding in all cases, but I think it is in most.

What’s more, it’s really great having people interested in what I write and sometimes comment on what they read as well. I ask for other peoples input because it helps to discuss an idea in order to know whether it’s really worth a shit. Perhaps this is do, in part, to a lack of confidence on my part, but the truth is that my confidence grows with each new thing I write and with each new discussion that unfolds. Because ideas may be born out of an individuals single mind, but they don’t truly become alive until they have a discussion (or some other appropriate outlet) in which to nest. And without the voices that feed that discussion, an idea will never grow to its greatest potential.

Thanks for being there on your side of the computer screen to read and to feed, to learn (I hope) and to teach me a thing or two while you’re at it. You are each, friends and strangers alike (and anyone in between), my most inspirational muse.


Anonymous said...

You seem in a better place, Dr. H. It's nice to know that you have such muses in your life. I think I'm beginning to ponder whether or not I have any in mine.

I believe that lost my inspiration a long time ago, nonetheless I still find such experiences within the world and all that I do.

Kudos to you Dr. H.

Dr. H' said...

Inspiration is a lot like love, I think. You can't force it, you can't search for it. It finds you when you least expect it.

I've made the mistake too many times of seeking all of my inspiration (and love) from a single source, usually one person, and only when I lost that person did I realize that there is love and inspiration in everything around me, and most of all, inside me.

I hope your inspiration finds you. You deserve it. The world deserves inspired versions of all of us, not least of all, you.

Anonymous said...

Little Billy is wondering if Dr. H is happy? You seem content with your life, but have you found all the inspiration you could ever need?

Just curious?

Anonymous said...

It is often better not to rebuild a bridge you burnt down yourself.

just an amusing musing for perusing .

Dr. H' said...

That’s a curious question. I’ll try to be as honest with you (and myself) as possible as I try to answer it.

Happiness is a difficult thing for me to define because I feel like it is made up of so many different elements, many of which you have no control over, some of which are dependent on the others to come to fruition. I also think it varies a lot from person to person. And there doesn’t seem to be a single unit in which to measure it.

I believe you’re right when you suggest that I am content with my life right now. And with where I can see it going, because for the first time in a long, long time it’s not so out of focus. And that feels great. I’m focusing on the things I have, not worrying about the things I don’t or the things I can’t control. I’m okay with where my life is at right now and hopeful and optimistic about the future. But again, I think this would qualify as being content, not necessarily happy. Which is in itself a good place to be.

I always think of the Beatles’ song, “Happiness is a Warm Gun.” I used to ask people what they thought that line meant. I always felt that it meant that happiness is scary thing. It isn’t easy to obtain and looking up at it, it sure feels like it will be a long, hard fall back to the ground if you get there and than lose hold of it. Seems safer, easier to just be content.

But I don’t believe in simply settling and I’m content just being content only if I’m constantly striving for happiness, which I would describe as something more. There are a lot of things I would love to have in my life that I don’t currently: a loving romantic relationship, a larger outlet for my creative and intellectual ideas, a larger group of friends that live close to me, financial security, etc… But I don’t feel lost without them.

For now, I am (finally) working hard on the goals/dreams/desires that I have some control over and I feel really confident about my ability to succeed in those areas.

As for the rest, I believe in fate to a certain extent and if fate falls short, I believe in my self and my ability to make the best decisions necessary when the time comes in order to succeed. I’ve made many mistakes, but I’ve learned from them. I know I’ll make many more and they may derail my happiness a little, but I’ll always recover and will always make the best of it. I’m a good person, with good intentions and a lot to give and the willingness to grow and learn and adapt and most of all to embrace any happiness or inspiration or love that I find/finds me. That’s always been my intention, anyways.

Does that define happiness? I don’t know but what else can one hope/strive for…

Maybe I’m a ways off from having enough success come together in my life to say that I’m more than just content. But there is happiness in my life and I’m not unhappy, if a bit lonely at times, if a bit sad at times, like everyone else. I have love and I have desires and I’m learning to distinguish between them. I have inspiration and I’m learning to use it, not take it for granite.

I’m the kind of person that strives off of inspiration and I have no idea how much I may need in the future. I’ll take it as life dishes it out and do my best to make the best of it. And if it’s not enough…well, not enough for what? Not enough to succeed? Not enough to have all I want/need/desire in order to be happy? That seems like a bullshit notion to me. I’m not sure what the relationship between happiness and inspiration is but if you have to be inspired in order to be happy…isn’t there something wrong with that? Happiness should come out of the desire to live and to love and to give of your self. That should be inherent in all of us. It shouldn’t take inspiration. But maybe it does. Maybe inspiration is one of those many elements that make up happiness. Maybe the most important. I don’t know. If so, for now, I have enough to keep me upright, to keep me looking forward, to keep me believing in something bigger and better and brighter…perhaps something called, happiness.

Well, that’s the really long answer to a really short question. What about you, Little Billy? While we’re sharing, how’s your happiness?

Anonymous said...

I have never been the happy type. I don't normally derive much inspiration from those parts of me, but I am still able to find my place. My own form of happiness and contentment.

I think that I am not in a place to experience much inspiration at this point in my life. Life (or rather the people within it) have taken much of that inspiration that you speak of.

But I am getting better. I have finally found the love of my life. I have moments of clarity. I have the people in my life that matter, and above all I have myself.

But am I happy?

Little Billy will have to get back to you on that one.

Anonymous said...

This might seem out of context, but what does burning bridges have to do with inspiration and happiness?

Anonymous said...

What is up with all the aninimty on these posts. Me thinks people might be affraid to express their opinions with their name attached. Well I can safely say my name is John Fedorowicz and I am fan of Dr H.


John Fedorowicz

if you dont like me youre most likely an insurgent and should die. If not may jesus bless you with a thousand gap sweatshop sweaters.

Anonymous said...

Well, since Johnny was so inclined to reveal himself it's the least I can do.

Marcus Fanderburg aka. Little Billy.

Finally pleased to make your acquaintance. A girl i'm dating told me about your blog and I found it fascinating enough to respond. But since the anonymity has turned into animosity, I think I'll take my leave.

I never meant to upset anyone or create conflict. But then again not everyone takes kindly to curiosity.

Don't worry dear Dr.H, I will no longer be reading and/or respond to any of your blogs. I rather keep the peace by keeping my distance.

While I stay warm my lovely Indonesian sweatshop sweaters.

Btw… Me thinks Johhny is too tense needs a little more “love” and xanax in his life. Don’t worry Johnny, I won’t harass your friend anymore.