A whole heck of a lot to talk about. Here are a few bullet points:
The Good:
Obama, Obama, Obama! Yes! And in overwhelming fashion. 9, count ‘em 9 Bush states from four years ago go Obama. Even Indiana. This is a good beginning, but only the beginning.
Obama’s Acceptance Speech. Not that all of his speeches aren’t good, but this one was exactly what it needed to be. Not the somber quality and the humility and the ability to reach out to those whose votes he did not earn.
Michigan: Not only did they overwhelming support Obama, they also, legalized medical marijuana and voted to allow stem cell research.
Failure of ridiculous anti-abortion related measures all over the country. Including an overwhelming vote in Colorado not to define “the moment conception” as the start of human life.
Washington joins fellow northwestern state Oregon in allowing doctor-assisted suicide.
There will be, some day, eventually…a speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco. Way to finally get on the bandwagon that Europe and Japan have been riding for some time.
A gain in both houses of congress. Including, possibly—pending a recount—a comedian from Minnesota. What’s next, an action star as Governor or a professional wrestler…oh, yeah. Never underestimate the power of fame, for better or worse. This time, however, I think it to be the better.
The Bad:
Same sex marriage not to the likings of Floridians, Arizonans and, yes, even Californians. Even California? Really? Say it ain’t so! When will people wake up? When will people realize that this is a civil rights issue no different then suffrage or segregation? I can not believe that California of all places will have an amendment to its constitution that limits the rights of people. It is completely and totally unacceptable for the so-called most progressive state in the union, for any state in the nation. But California had established itself has a progressive leader of a sometimes slow to change nation. This is a major set-back.
Looks like no magic 60 for Dems in the Senate. Even a convicted felon in Alaska (old man Stevens) seems to have held on to his seat. And we all know who the Governor is that will have the task to appoint his replacement when he is forced to resign in the not too distant future (for those of you who don’t know it is Sarah “Pitbull” Palin)…I wonder if she has the tenacity to appoint herself...wouldn’t that be something. Also, looks like my good old home state of Oregon may have decided to keep a man who spent 1.2 million dollars on a pair of golf clubs in the Senate. Not that you can judge a man on just one simple fact but it is somewhat indicative of what a disconnected jerk he can be. Update: This race has been called for the Dem Jeff Merkley after all.
The Ugly:
Arkansas bans same sex couples from adopting children. Makes me want to dig a fork in the back of my neck as an American.
The Interesting:
Nebraska votes to end affirmative action. Colorado does not.
I think that about says it all. There are no certainties. There are no easy answers. There is much, much work to be done.
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